The One Minute Manager : Quick Book Summary
This Book helps with the Innovative Technique to Manage Teams, Upgrade your Productivity and Setting up the Healthy + Quality Work Environment processes.
All the techniques, you can relate with your Type & Ability to setup, monitory and control the project / organization teams.
- Agree on your Goals — Company vs Individuals
- See What’s the Good Behaviour Looks Like
- Measure whether Current Progress is Aligned or Not
- Tell all the Members that You Will Give Honest Feedback to Them
Praise People Immediately. Tell Specifically What They Did Right
- Stop for a Moment to Let Them Feel that How Good You Feel for Them.
Feedback is the Breakfast of Champions. It is feedback that keeps us going
- Tell Specifically what they did Wrong. Tell People/ Colleagues that What You Feel About that Work.
- The Feedback should happen in small doses. Because its Monthly / Weekly, People can easily Improve & Apply.
- Stay Silent for Few Seconds while giving the Feedback. Always, Remind How Much You Value Them.
Remember When It’s Over, means, Over ! (don’t Remind feedback etc. again)
Actionable Takeaways
- Goal Setting — For You, Team & Organization
- One Minute Praising, and
- One Minute Re-Direct
All these Activities should not take more than 5 Minutes. It’s recommend that you take it up on Monthly basis so You, Team can visualize their Real Growth