5 Skills to Lead the Virtual Teams
WFH is now New-Normal & Very soon, it will bring “Hybrid” Models…
2 years back, with your Expert Inter-personal Skills you were able to connect to Teams & Get work done easily, but but but !!
It’s a time to Revamp your Leadership Skills for the Virtual World :
1) Communication
In the absence of physical interaction, the chances of miscommunication and misunderstanding in leading a WFH Team are Higher. To Solve that —
- Provide Enough Details in One Go. Eliminate ambiguous communication
- Devote Time. Schedule Group as well as Individual Regular Meetings
- Must use of Collaboration Tool — Teams, Slack, Skype etc.
2) Emotional Intelligence
It’s all about, understanding and managing your own emotions and interactions with your Team.
Strengthens your relationships with Teammates and Helps them to Deal with Circumstances.
It benefits the overall organization with improved culture, collaboration and engagement levels.
3) Lead with Empathy
While leading a WFH Team, it is essential to pay extra attention to Verbal and Non-Verbal Cues.
- Use Webcams / Video conferencing to see facial expressions of your Team
- In this tough time, Family & Work-life have fused for many. Therefore, Take Time to Listen and Understand how you can help them.
- Provide Resources to upskill themselves
- Encouraging them to establish communication outside your relationships
4) Real Expectations
When we work with WFH / Remote Teams, it is easy to get caught up in never-ending meetings.
Setting up a Realistic Expectations from yourself your team will help to track the progress & stay focused
- Use online monitoring / Document sharing / project management tool to measure the performance
- Educate and Develop Practice to Use Tools to increase Productivity
- Empower yourself with learning about Virtual Performance Tracking
5) Proactiveness
Setup Weekly Catch-up calls and Talk to your Teammates about how projects are going, what are the obstacles and what support they expect from you
As I personally believe, Communicate Your Expectations Clearly & Transparently which will help everyone stay Happier in their Roles.
A Lot has changed in the past 2 Years, but 2 Things won’t Change : “Empathy” & “People Connect”…
More We Learn About It, More we Build the Successful Teams
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